Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sometimes no news is good news

I've been focused on the travel blog lately. And, since my own life is just merrily coasting along, I don't have a lot to write. Or, time to write. Work is busy, but great.  Same can be said for the family, so I guess things are all.....right!  Nothing to complain about but the weather. Nope, hold on, that's been pretty great too.

No news is good news.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

90 days or so

Well this is kind of embarrassing. How can I really call myself a writer when it's been at least 90 days since I've even said "hello" here?

I can say that life is much of the same. I took a quick solo trip (to Bermuda) to try to charge my personal battery enough to tackle another ice cream season.  Then I opened the store. Then I've basically kept my head down and worked like a plow horse ever since. I said "plow horse" this time instead of donkey, trying to be kind to myself. But, a dumb little donkey is about what I am anyway.

I continue to allow people to use me as a doormat... to add their burdens to my load and to take whatever they need and leave me with scraps. So, at least I'm consistent.

I've tried my best to be happy. I started a "happy page" and tried to see each day as a glass half full. That worked for about 70 or so of the 100 days that was supposed to be that project. Without going back to read, I think I can say that my kids, my dogs, jokes and coffee are about all the things with the power to make me smile.

I also started reading a book called the Happiness Project. Meh. I got about 70 pages into it before I fell asleep. The sleep was awesome though. I remember that much!

Hockey season is almost over, so that's good. The kids need a rest. I need a break from those payments. I do plan to take the kids to Florida for a couple days, so that's good. We'll laugh and swim and sit in the sunshine. That will make me happy!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More with Air Miles

I am pretty focused on travel and anytime I can go anywhere for free, or nearly free, I'm quite excited. Tonight my son asked if he could have a new snowboard. I replied that it wasn't in the budget right now. Of course I feel guilty for that answer, and then I started thinking creatively and took a look at the Air Miles site.

It wasn't long before I was perusing ski passes, and fun outdoor equipment like these snowshoes. Now I didn't find what he was after, but I may have found a couple things that would please him and make me feel better too.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Things I didn't know...

Five years ago, there are many things I didn't know about myself. Things I could not have predicted. I should work on a big list, but right now I'll just share 3.

1) I didn't know how important my hockey family would be. The kids' teammates, parents and coaches are the people we spend the most time with. And, they are really great. They are so supportive of all the kids. I know if my child needed something.... anything, from $2 for juice or advice, or a kick in the rear, they would do it. And I would definitely do it for them and their kids. After a few years of the same core group growing together, I can really say this has improved my quality of life, sense of community and belonging.

2) A year is a long time. But it is absolutely nothing either. When you are stuck in the day to day, it can feel like nothing is accomplished, but when you reflect back on a year, it can seem like a lifetime ago. I really do think social media, like Facebook and Twitter have screwed with our sense of time. When we can receive updates from around the world, every hour, or even by the minute, it affects our sense of personal time and accomplishment. But so much of the information is white noise.

3) I didn't recognize 5 years ago that I'm a runner. Not in the literal sense. I wouldn't strap on sneakers and run unless someone scary was chasing me. But in the personality sense... I flee. When I stress, I want to flee/run/bolt/escape.  I've read, that it's easier to change your location, than your life and that's why people travel. For me, I think that nails it.  I have learnt that I LOVE travel. It's a passion. But I also don't think it's about the destination, or learning or exploring. I honestly think I can say it's my sanity break or my re-start button. Now, I don't think this is earth shattering, or unique but I'm glad to have recognized it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Simply Fabulous Friends

Today, I was feeling pretty low and then something awesome happened. I got a chance to see three of my friends, each at work, doing their thing. Each told me that I looked lousy. Each asked me how I was. One went so far as to ask me repeatedly if I was ok, or maybe sick, or maybe just in need of a vacation. He simply wouldn't let me "get away" with the stat, "I'm fine."

What happened next was awesome. They each helped. Heather, who is a massage therapist worked on my back and wrist and helped take away my pain. But she also made me laugh. We laughed a lot.

At the grocery store, Greg made me laugh too. He mocked my purchases and wouldn't let me leave the store without the flyer's weekly bonus points. It feels great to have a friend who knows me that well and makes the effort to turn my day around.

And Steve took extra special care of a gift, at the print shop on my behalf. The gift recipient will be very pleased. But the bonus gift to me, in this situation, was the few minutes Steve and I talked about how precious children are. He and his lovely wife are expecting a child in mere weeks.  And of course I love my kids very much. It was a great conversation and I left feeling good about my family again.

I also learnt a valuable lesson, overall, today. Wear makeup! Apparently, without it I look like hell. Good to know! LOL  And if your friends can't tell you that.... get new friends.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quietly I Toil

I haven't "done much" lately according to my family. And since my worth is measured in what I can do for them, it doesn't appear I'm worth much right now.

And it's January. So it's already tough to keep that inner voice of gloom quiet. But I try. Honestly I do. Sometimes they don't realize even how tough it is to get out of bed and take the dogs for a walk, to prepare dinner or to meet my obligations. But whatever, I guess. Everyone has problems. Why should I be any more noticeable?

Our pony went to a new home today. Nobody but me cared. Instead of asking if I was OK, or even ignoring the situation they asked. "When are you getting rid of the other one?" That hurt.

So, I guess today kinda sucked. I'm getting used to days like this. That sucks even more.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Go ahead and laugh

I woke up today and felt terrible. Nothing to blame but a cold or flu creeping in.

My whole body aches and I can barely hold my head up. But there are kids and dogs and a schedule. So after a brief tap of the snooze button I got up. Tylenol, coffee and a little Twitter did its best to wake me up. I didn't find much energy, but I did find the motivation to try.

I dressed in several layers and grabbed my iPod. Then I invited the dogs for a walk. I figured a little fresh air would do me good. The neighbour dog, an overweight, ignored lab came bounding at us. Instead of shooing him away, I invited him to come too. Now that was a happy dog face and tail wag!

We walked for quite a distance. The snow was deep. I was listening to my playlist "pick yourself up and fight." I was motivated. I thought I was feeling decent again. The dogs had the best time! Maybe I was going to just work thru this cold and malaise.

Feeling accomplished, I had one more tylenol and I was off to take the kids to hockey. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering all their equipment, sticks, water bottle etc. I even had granola bars and ipod chargers with me. Yeah, "I rock" I was thinking.

Gosh the drive was nice and roads were good. I was half way to the rink when it hit me.  I had the equipment, but I left the kids at school. Forgot to pick them up.
