Tuesday, January 1, 2013

I Will Try Harder

Each January 1st people around the globe make resolutions. They start fresh, quit bad habits and try to make changes.

It frightens me at how intense the diet push is this time of year. It seems that every second TV commercial is regarding weight loss, or fitness. Now of course I understand marketing and timing... strike while the iron is hot, but still, I take offence to these messages capitalizing on people's personal insecurities. I do think that there are things that everyone can do to be more healthy. I support that fully. But emotional marketing and intense commercial pressure is what I object to.

I do my very best to only make promises I can keep. Not everything works out, but that's life. I try not to rationalize my way out of something that is difficult, but accept that things change and other things still are beyond your control. You can not control the actions of others, but only how YOU react to it.

In regards to New Year's Resolutions, I don't do anything formal or life changing.  Instead I make vows to work harder and stick to the things I already believe in. As in... "I will try harder" because these acts are important to me and how I run my life.

Here's what I want to work on in 2013. I will try harder...

1) to make sure we (my family) take more vitamins and drink more water.

2) to keep walking and skating regularly.

3) focus more on quality rather than quantity.

4) give more compliments.

5) continue to support charities that support people, not corporations.

6) to purge the house and recycle as much as possible.

7) to sleep more.

8) to use what we have before we buy more. (groceries, gifts, shampoo etc)

9) to moisturize more.

10) to stress less.

Is there anything on your personal list?  What will be important to you in 2013?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love it. Esp moisturize more. Is that code for travel to warm destinations where lotion is unnecessary because of the delightful humid air? It should be. :)
