What? This isn't about travel?
Boring $3 chlorine bleach... Cathie... what's going on?
Well, I own a restaurant. And I am unbelievably motivated by fresh starts. Mondays... New Years... that kind of thing. So, today, since I didn't have a hang over (designated driver syndrome) I started cleaning and purging the house.
Purging clothes. Gosh there's a lot of things my kids have grown out of! And why do I harbour fancy clothes that I never wear? Time to be realistic. Time to make more room in the closet for things we all actually wear.
So, where does the bleach fit in? Nearly everywhere! Chorine bleach is the restaurant owner's best friend. By law, we are required to soak our wash rags in a chlorine bleach solution at all times. As a homeowner, if I see a j-cloth or kitchen sponge sitting next to a sink with obvious usage... an odour perhaps, I grab the bleach! Bleach, then run through the wash. Gosh... spreading bacteria is just gross.
Where else can you use the $3 jug of bleach?
1) Drains. A 1/4 cup followed by 2 litres of boiling water.
2) Toilets. 1/2 a cup, scrub brush, wait and flush.
3) Socks and underwear. Soak in a bleach & hot water solution, then wash.
4) Dishwasher. A quick rince cycle will flush away accumulated bacteria.
5) Pillow cases and face clothes. Soak in a bleach & hot water solution, then wash.
These things don't have to be done all the time. Once a month. Can you add it to your list?
I take a lot of pride in my restaurant and its constant A+ rating. My house tends to get cluttered because most of the year I focus on the restaurant. In my down time, I try to tackle the projects at home. While no Martha Stewart, I try to keep things clean and healthy. Bleach is just one of those easy-peasy things that we should all have. Lots of fancy cleaning products on the market... but not much more efficient than bleach and water for tackling germs and killing household bacteria.
And if you're working with raw chicken... bleach is very effective in the fight against salmonella. Make sure you clean your tools and cutting board with bleach and water, every time.
Lecture over!! :)
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