Thursday, January 9, 2014

Go ahead and laugh

I woke up today and felt terrible. Nothing to blame but a cold or flu creeping in.

My whole body aches and I can barely hold my head up. But there are kids and dogs and a schedule. So after a brief tap of the snooze button I got up. Tylenol, coffee and a little Twitter did its best to wake me up. I didn't find much energy, but I did find the motivation to try.

I dressed in several layers and grabbed my iPod. Then I invited the dogs for a walk. I figured a little fresh air would do me good. The neighbour dog, an overweight, ignored lab came bounding at us. Instead of shooing him away, I invited him to come too. Now that was a happy dog face and tail wag!

We walked for quite a distance. The snow was deep. I was listening to my playlist "pick yourself up and fight." I was motivated. I thought I was feeling decent again. The dogs had the best time! Maybe I was going to just work thru this cold and malaise.

Feeling accomplished, I had one more tylenol and I was off to take the kids to hockey. I was pretty proud of myself for remembering all their equipment, sticks, water bottle etc. I even had granola bars and ipod chargers with me. Yeah, "I rock" I was thinking.

Gosh the drive was nice and roads were good. I was half way to the rink when it hit me.  I had the equipment, but I left the kids at school. Forgot to pick them up.


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