Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back in the groove

Some things just feel right. 

I like a good groove. I like to feel like I'm firing on all cylinders and enjoying things to the fullest. When I'm at work in the kitchen, I like certain knives for certain tasks. I like things that make sense…. like fries and gravy. Not onion rings and gravy, That still doesn't make sense to me. I like certain products, not substitutes. I like Mother's Day specials in May and sundaes on Sundays. Call me crazy.

I like it when things go as predicted. I like to know what to expect. I'm sure I'm not the only one like this. 

I also like Spring weather in March and April. -20C and blizzards… that's supposed to be January.

Now, of course I like good surprises. Like sunshine on a day the weatherman said was going to suck. Or like tulips being delivered on a joyless Saturday. Great surprises like that, can turn your whole week around. 

These last few weeks have been very hard. I haven't felt right since that yellow handled knife broke on a Friday night, (I'm kidding…. well, sort of.) I replaced the knife but couldn't find my groove.  Nothing major, just out of sync. Hell, I haven't even felt like writing. 

Then I made a quick trip to Vegas. I laughed and laughed. I gambled. I sat in the sun and started to feel like myself again. 

This last week has been intense. No other way to describe it. I got the sunshine I needed. The help that saves the bacon, and the right knife to cut buns again. 

It all came together sitting at the patio, drinking a coke at the restaurant I own. It just felt right. Like the stress was leaving my body and I was at home where I should be. 

I love my restaurant, I love the people I work with and the people I see across the counter. (Ok, not all of them. Some make me want to call the cops.) This is where I need to be. This is where I'm happy. Next person who says I should get a real job, or that I only work half the year… they should try a week in my sneakers. But bring your own knife. I won't let just anybody use mine. 

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