Monday, November 26, 2012

Cleaning therapy

Today I tackled the all-purpose closet... aka, the giant junk drawer behind a door. In this hiding place I've accumulated a couple yeas worth of partially used craft supplies, or unused craft supplies with the best intentions. There's also some wrapping paper, some photos, some colouring books, some shipping stuff,  and all the birthday cards I bought for people but never sent because I couldn't find them. (If that was an olympic sport, I'd be on that podium.)

So, I spread everything out in the living room with a garbage can, a recycling bag and a few clear boxes for keep items. The puppy was thrilled with the "buffet of toys" and things to taste that I put before her. LOL. She's a little goof but she did help me decide on a few things that should go into the garbage can immediately. Or immediately after she had them in her mouth!

All in all, I feel good about the project. I managed to release myself from the guilt of having unused craft supplies with no purpose. As a hockey mom, with barely enough time to make meals and clean jerseys, crafts are not really realistic for me at this stage.

Once I conceded I would never tackle that project that a starry-eyed me once envisioned, I lumped them all in a box labelled "Kindergarten/School." Surely, the classes at my kids' school will know what to do with these goodies. Perhaps they will even consider them a gift, and not the burden they have become in my junk closet.

It feels good to tackle that one. Where to next?

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