Sunday, June 8, 2014

90 days or so

Well this is kind of embarrassing. How can I really call myself a writer when it's been at least 90 days since I've even said "hello" here?

I can say that life is much of the same. I took a quick solo trip (to Bermuda) to try to charge my personal battery enough to tackle another ice cream season.  Then I opened the store. Then I've basically kept my head down and worked like a plow horse ever since. I said "plow horse" this time instead of donkey, trying to be kind to myself. But, a dumb little donkey is about what I am anyway.

I continue to allow people to use me as a doormat... to add their burdens to my load and to take whatever they need and leave me with scraps. So, at least I'm consistent.

I've tried my best to be happy. I started a "happy page" and tried to see each day as a glass half full. That worked for about 70 or so of the 100 days that was supposed to be that project. Without going back to read, I think I can say that my kids, my dogs, jokes and coffee are about all the things with the power to make me smile.

I also started reading a book called the Happiness Project. Meh. I got about 70 pages into it before I fell asleep. The sleep was awesome though. I remember that much!

Hockey season is almost over, so that's good. The kids need a rest. I need a break from those payments. I do plan to take the kids to Florida for a couple days, so that's good. We'll laugh and swim and sit in the sunshine. That will make me happy!

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