Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Things to throw out TODAY

'Tis the season to purge the cupboards and closets and start fresh.

You really should throw out these 5 things, and never look back.

1. Spices that are older than THE Spice Girls comeback album. Ok, that's any herbs or spices more than 2 years old... they gotta go.

2. Makeup. If  it's more than 6 months old it has to go, especially mascara and anything that goes near your precious eyes.

3. Sauces. If you used it to BBQ last summer and not since, time to toss. Check your expiry dates on everything in your fridge, if it says 2013, it's done.

4. Pillows. If you've been breathing into it and drooling on it for more than a year, buh bye.

5. Toothbrush and toothpaste. If it's 60 days old, or you've recently had a cold, you need a new one.

Why... why are these things on the New Year's Hit List? 

One word. BACTERIA. 

It's a new year, start fresh. Please.

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